Think the integrity of the king, the determination of the queen, the adaptability of the joker.
Anna B.
Scholars have uniformly credited Germans with the creation of this card. In its short existence it has been known by several different names, like “thinker B” or simply “the tall one”. Straight out of high school, the thinker B won’t outrank many other cards in experience. Counting especially high in passion and running on caffein, however, it’s here to change that.

Leyla B.
This card “walks-the-red-B’s-talk”. It thrives on games based on visuals and turning things into ordered series. Originated in Azerbaijan, it was first found in the fields of design and economics. Before deciding to join the ad game, moving across the globe and experience Hamburg rain, it is. Because while her orientation and appearance changed, her love for cold weather and curiosity to learn new things stayed.

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The B’s in action
Besides teaming up in day-to-day ad games, the B’s have a spectrum of jobs they worked in together.