Brand : BVG
Student Work / OOH Advertising
Gruff, with heart and Berlin snout the adult version of
the Sandmann takes us behind the scenes of the BVG and
teaches how (not) to behave inside it.
A series of short format videos is shared on BVG’s and RBB social channels, as well as the ARD Mediathek. Using existing footage from traditional Sandmann intros to cut together a special Sandmännchen für Erwachsene edition revolving around the BVG. As a campaign activation movie posters will be put up in the stations, as well as shared on Social Media.
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This is student work. Names, characters, brands, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work is designed to showcase the student’s ability to work with real world brands in real world applications, any resemblance to actual events, brands, campaigns, locales or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental. This presentation is meant for educational purposes only.